Tree-Bark Tulip Bug

Tree-Bark Tulip Bug boy fairies


He is the color of tree bark, he is unable to be seen, he lives only against the bottom of the trees. Sometime he will be daring, flying up to the tree top, he picks berries or flowers and eats til his belly can pop. As dangerous as a spider can be to a small fairy, he loves to catch them and eat their legs.

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Fairy Name: Tree-Bark Tulip Bug <br />Personality:He is the color of tree bark, he is unable to be seen, he lives only against the bottom of the trees. Sometime he will be daring, flying up to the tree top, he picks berries or flowers and eats til his belly can pop. As dangerous as a spider can be to a small fairy, he loves to catch them and eat their legs. <br /><a href='' target='_blank'>Tree-Bark Tulip Bug </a>

The history of fairies
The term fairy derives from the Middle English word:faierie (also fayerye, feirie, fairie), a direct borrowing from Old French faerie (Modern French féerie) meaning the land, realm, or characteristic activity ... see more fairy history
a full list of names that mean fairy.
Marica... see more fairy names.