Orange Blossom Flower-Blanket

Orange Blossom Flower-Blanket girl fairies


She is an orange fairy. She has an extreme urge to perform high risk stunts, such as, diving from tall trees and waiting to pull up until the last moment. When the winter months are coming, she protects the flowers from the cold, creating a blanket of fairy dust keeping them nice and warm.

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Fairy Name: Orange Blossom Flower-Blanket<br />Personality:She is an orange fairy. She has an extreme urge to perform high risk stunts, such as, diving from tall trees and waiting to pull up until the last moment. When the winter months are coming, she protects the flowers from the cold, creating a blanket of fairy dust keeping them nice and warm. <br /><a href='' target='_blank'>Orange Blossom Flower-Blanket</a>

The history of fairies
The term fairy derives from the Middle English word:faierie (also fayerye, feirie, fairie), a direct borrowing from Old French faerie (Modern French féerie) meaning the land, realm, or characteristic activity ... see more fairy history
a full list of names that mean fairy.
Marica... see more fairy names.